Index of Comments
- c549.htm Is it Time to Ask Mr. Bush the Welch Question? January 18, 2006
- c548.htm Werther Report: Assault on the Bill of Rights, January 15, 2006
- c547.htm Sliming Statements: How to Pour Goo on the Constitution? January 11, 2006
- c546.htm Degaussing the Iraq Body Count, January 10, 2006
- c545.htm Do We Live in the United States of Amnesia? .. or .. Why the Iraq War May Cost More Than $1 Trillion, January 8, 2006
- c544.htm Election Blowback: Has US Policy Created 2 Talibans in Iraq?? December 21, 2005
- c543.htm Clearing the Cobwebs Out of Our Strategic OODA Loops, December 20, 2005
- c542.htm Werther: George F. Will and the Collapse of Historical Knowledge (Part II), April 28, 2005
- c541.htm Werther Remembers George Kennan, March 20, 2005
- c540.htm Why is the Military Stressed out by Iraq???
March 19, 2005
- c539.htm What are the Roots of Terrorism??? March 10, 2005
- c538.htm Werther Report: What do Reinhard Gehlen and Ahmed Chalabi Have in Common??? February 23, 2005
- c537.htm Who Won the Election in Iraq??? February 17, 2005
- c513.htm Loopy OODA Loops: The Triumph of Faith & Interests Over Facts & Reason, May 30,2004
- c512.htm Who is Ahmed Chalabi??? May 20, 2004
- c511.htm How to Dumb Down Your OODA Loops, May 17, 2004
- c509.htm Werther Report: The Sunk Cost Fallacy Why Sir Douglas "Stayed the Course" for 5 Months After after Losing 60,000 Men on 1st Day of the Battle of the Somme, April 22, 2004
- c508.htm Conditioning the Masses in the Hall of Mirrors (II) April 10, 2004
- c507.htm The Howling Wilderness of Pseudoconservatism, April 9, 2004
- c506.htm Is President Musharraf Impaled on his own Petard?? January 26, 2004
- c505.htm Who is the Grand Ayatollah Sistani? January 18, 2004
- c504.htm Werther Memorandum: Is 9-11 Evolving into America's Reichstag Fire??? January 11, 2004
- c503.htm One From a Psyops Unit and the Other From a Journalist Based in Lebanon, January 8, 2004
- c502.htm What Motivates Suicide Bombers?
November 28, 2003
- c501.htm Iraq, Afghanistan, & the War on Terror ... & ... the Helen Gurley Brown Solution, November 4, 2003
- c500.htm Will Snowflakes from SECDEF Repair a Broken OODA Loop??? October 31, 2003
- c499.htm Is America Inside its Own OODA Loop in Afghanistan and Iraq??? October 29, 2003
- c498.htm Is Israel Building a Security Cage???
October 1, 2003
- c497.htm Comptroller General Issues Wakeup Call Truth & Transparency But Will Anyone Listen? September 22, 2003
- c496.htm 4GW & Zinni's Question: What is Nature of Victory? September 20, 2003
- c495.htm Why Outsourcing Military Operations is Bunk, September 19, 2003
- c494.htm Why Declaring Victory in the Third Inning Can Set Us Up for Defeat in the Ninth Inning, September 16, 2003
- c493.htm Auerbach Report: Was Lenin's Theory of Capitalists Hanging Themselves Incomplete??? September 13, 2003
- c492.htm The Werther Solution: A Modest Proposal, September 11, 2003
- c491.htm A Short Tutorial on the Moral Essence of Grand Strategy, September 11, 2003
- c490.htm Fourth Generation Warfare: How Tactics of the Weak Confound the Strong September 10, 2003
- c489.htm The Chickens of Free Lunch Politics are Coming Home to Roost, September 5, 2003
- c488.htm Get Real Before Domino Democracy Breaks the Bank August 28, 2003
- c487.htm Is US Troop Morale in Iraq Deteriorating??? June 15, 2003
- c486.htm Lies, Damned Lies, & Military Intelligence June 12, 2003
- c485.htm The Men Who Would Not Be King June 3, 2003
- c484.htm Is America a Fly Occupying the Flypaper???? May 29, 2003
- c482.htm Star Wars, Punctuated Epistemology, and the Triumph of Medieval Scholasticism, May 23, 2003
- c481.htm The Rice/Feith Synthesis: Why Finding Saddam Should be Job 1 May 16, 2003
- c480.htm Will the Settlement Issue KO the Roadmap?? May 13, 2003
- c479.htm Did Iraq use a Toyota Production System to Hide its Weapons of Mass Destruction??? May 1, 2003
- c478.htm In Search of a Sensible Grand Strategy (IV): Alliance SITREP on Eve of War, March 19, 2003
- c477.htm An Oil Field Too Far??? March 7, 2003
- c476.htm America's Grand Strategic Crisis (III) - Is Military Strategy Preempting Grand Strategy???? March 1, 2003
- c475.htm A Strategic Question for the Grand Strategic Dice Rollers ... or ... All You Never Wanted to Know About Operational Level Logistics, February 20, 2003
- c474.htm Offsets: Legalized Bribery or Half-Baked Policy or Both? February 18, 2003
- c473.htm Did Throwing Money at the Pentagon Fix its Readiness Problems? February 17, 2003
- c472.htm Al-Qa'ida & Iraq: Another Cartesian Misconception??????? February 11, 2003
- c471.htm Grisly Accidents Call 'Precision Warfare' Into Question, February 10, 2003
- c470.htm The Madness of Versailles: Federal Budget Deficit Explodes February 3, 2003
- c469.htm America's Grand Strategic Crisis (II): In Search of a Sensible Grand Strategy, January 26, 2003
- c468.htm The Defense Budget Time Bomb Has Been Outted By the Congressional Budget Office, January 10, 2003
- c467.htm George Orwell on the Relation Between Freedom & the Rise of 4GW, January 1, 2003
- c466.htm The Third Reich Syndrome: George Will and the Collapse of Historical Knowledge, December 31, 2002
- c465.htm America's Grand Strategic Crisis (I) December 18, 2002
- c464.htm The Gadfly and the Falcon (Re: Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War (Robert Coram, Little Brown, 2002) November 18, 2002
- c463.htm F/A-22 ... Another Non-Trivial "Minor" Setback in the Hall of Mirrors, November 8, 2002
- c462.htm Book Review: BOYD: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War, November 5, 2002
- c461.htm Wilson Report: Will a War in Iraq Go Nuclear? October 12, 2002
- c460.htm Why the Reckless Push for War, October 12, 2002
- c459.htm Conditioning the Masses in the Hall of Mirrors October 12, 2002
- c458.htm Is a Predatory Elite Shaping the War Scare of 2002, September 14, 2002
- c457.htm Is Egypt in Play & Why is it the Prize? August 16, 2002
- c456.htm Bury Cold War Mindset, August 14, 2002
- c455.htm How Col. John Boyd Beat the Generals, August 12, 200
- c454.htm Clash of Civilizations or the End of History? July 27, 2002
- c453.htm Werther Report: Is Preemption a Nuclear Schlieffen Plan? July 20, 2002
- c452.htm Is America Becoming a Police State? July 15, 2002
- c451.htm The Specter of Taylorism is Haunting the E-Ring ... Or Why Promoting Lieutenants to Captain Quicker is a Dumb Idea, June 11, 2002
- c450.htm Teach the Pentagon to Think Before it Spends, June 5, 2002
- c449.htm The Mood on the Arab Street, June 2, 2002
- c448.htm Tiny Program Triggers Credibility Battle in Versailles, May 17, 2002
- c446.htm Iron Major Issues a Wake Up Call to Leadership, May 3, 2002
- c445.htm Ex-Green Beret Surprised by Business as Usual in Versailles on the Potomac, April 23, 2002
- c444.htm Defusing Ethno-Religious War, April 12, 2002
- c443.htm Why an Early Onset of Alzheimer's Does Not Hurt Defense Reformers, April 5, 2002
- c442.htm Captured by the One-Eyed Cyclops (I): Vest Report, March 22, 2002
- c441.htm The Great American Gong Show: Woodrow Wilson Meets Dr. Strangelove, February 23, 2002
- c440.htm Spartacus Report: "Mr. Smith is Dead", February 19, 2002
- c439.htm The Mineshaftgap Report: Star Wars for Dummies, February 15, 2002
- c438.htm Is 4GW al-Qa'ida's Official Combat Doctrine? February 11, 2002
- c437.htm The Peters Principle: How Unpleasant Fictions Fuel a Culture War, January 6, 2002
- c436.htm How Pakistan's Triangular Tar Baby Lead to War Drums in South Asia, December 29, 2001
- c435.htm Revolt of Islam or Revolting Islamicists? December 13, 2001
- c434.htm KRUMM REPORT: Why the Marines are In Afghanistan December 1, 2001
- c433.htm Islam: Its Conflict with the West, November 29, 2001
- c432.htm Another Guy Who Got it Right, November 21, 2001
- c431.htm 4GW & the Question of Reform, November 16, 2001
- c430.htm One Guy Who Got it Right, November 14, 2001
- c429.htm Fourth Generation Warfare - Background Reading, October 4, 2001
- c428A.htm Correction for the Record, October 22, 2001
- c428.htm A Grunt's View of the Saudi Volcano, October 4, 2001
- c427.htm Track Records Don't Count in a Town that Likes Pretty Faces, September 20, 2001
- c426.htm Lewis Report: Why Stopping the Exodus of Junior Officers is Important, September 7, 2001
- c425.htm The Struggle for Israel's Soul, August 20, 2001
- c424.htm Saudi Arabia: An NCO Reports, August 15, 2001
- c423.htm Is War a Business? or Why it is Necessary to Teach the Pentagon to Think Before it Spends. August 7, 2001
- c422.htm Down the Tubes: The Family Farm's Dangerous Romance with Technology, August 5, 2001
- c421.htm Dumbing Down the Indefensible Defense Debate, July 29, 2001
- c420.htm Will Digitization Work (II)? An NCO Responds, July 22, 2001
- c419.htm The Werther SITREP: Is the Pentagon Hostage to a Frankenstein Monster? July 15, 2001
- c418.htm Richards Report: A Swift Elusive Sword ... or ... An Alternative to "Transformation Pentagon Style" July 12, 2001
- c417.htm Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle: Cold-War Dinosaur or Techno Revolution for the 21st Century? July 11, 2001
- c416.htm Will Army Digitization Work? - Mud Soldiers Sound Off, July 2, 2001
- c415.htm Spartacus Report: Will the Bush/Rumsfeld Pentagon Endorse Existing Plans to Worsen Military Readiness? June 26, 2001
- c414.htm Why Does a "Half-War Plus" Strategy Require a Cold-War Budget to Keep It Afloat? June 25, 2001
- c413.htm The View From Mount Olympus Seen from the Cheap Seats, June 12, 2001
- c412.htm Iron Wall or Maginot Line? June 7, 2001
- c411.htm Why Did Sharon Go to the Temple Mount? May 5, 2001
- c410.htm What Revolution in Military Affairs? April 23, 2001
- c409.htm A Critique of Pure Superstition: The Question of What Revolution in Military Affairs, April 6, 2001
- c407.htm Sneak Attack Reveals Why Bureaucrats Love Anonymity, March 5, 2001
- c406.htm Buy Before You Fly (III) February 19, 2001
- c405.htm Buy Before You Fly & the Politics of Risk Reduction (II) February 11, 2001
- c404.htm Memo from Ms XX -- Is "Shit Hitting the Fan" in Kosovo? February 1, 2001
- c403.htm Smedley Butler & the Networked Solution, January 28, 2001
- c402.htm The MacKenzie Proposal: Peacekeeping Reform & Grand Strategy, January 18, 2001
- c401.htm "Buy Before You Fly" & the Asymmetric Politics of Risk Reduction, January 5, 2001
- c400.htm American Grand Strategy: Gorbachev's Critique, December 30, 2000
- c399.htm Tighten Pentagon's Purse Strings Until It Passes an Audit, December 2000
- c398.htm The Other Side of the Coin, December 17, 2000
- c397a.htm Comment #397 Error Correction, December 14, 2000
- c397.htm The Revolution in Recruiting Affairs, December 7, 2000
- c396.htm The Lewis Report: "Time to Regenerate: A GenX Response to Dr. Wong's Monograph" November 27, 2000
- c395.htm Strategy Quo Vadis: The Cycle of Adaptation Through Rationalization & the Case for a New SSC, November 17, 2000
- c394.htm The Lewis Commentary: Why The Beret May Be a Good Thing, November 15, 2000
- c392.htm The Palestinian Question - Is it a Colonialist War? October 21, 2000
- c391.htm John T. Correl & the Question of Integrity? October 11, 2000
- c390.htm Trip Report: 10th Mountain Division, Ready or Not? October 3, 2000
- c389.htm What Is the Role of Congress? Oversight or Overlook, September 29, 2000
- c388.htm Boyd's Question: Are Sanctions on Iraq a Sensible Grand Strategy? September 24, 2000
- c387.htm The Kind of Questions No One Wants To Hear, September 21, 2000
- c386.htm The Real Cost Of Spending 1% More Of GDP On Defense, September 20, 2000
- c385.htm Was Wen Ho Lee Shot by Anatoli Golytsin in a Budget Battle? September 16, 2000
- c384.htm Know-Nothing Defense: The Forgotten Side of the Readiness Debate, September 1, 2000
- c383.htm Madness of Versailles: The Pentagon's Presidential Auction, August 30, 2000
- c382.htm De-Colonizing Kashmir vs. Islamic Extremism & Hindu Chauvinism, August 29, 2000
- c381.htm Madness of Versailles: The 4% Solution, August 20, 2000
- c381_2.pdf Fig. 2: The 4% Hypothesis (Military Spending 1999)
- c380.htm Where are the Dead Bodies in Kosovo? (V) August 18, 2000
- c379.htm The JSF: One More Card In The House, August 16, 2000
- c378.htm JO's Lament Illustrates Hollow Defense Debate, August 16, 2000
- c377.htm Kashmir and the Arrogance of Ignorance, August 15, 2000
- c376.htm Women in the Military - a 3rd Call for Common Sense, August 10, 2000
- c375.htm Women in the Military - 2 Calls for Common Sense, August 8, 2000
- c374.htm Kinder & Gentler Boot Camp - A "Hard Right" or an "Easy Wrong"? July 24, 2000
- c372.htm Sayen Report: Officer Bloat Creates the Shortage of Captains, July 16, 2000
- c371.htm The Personnel Crisis is Not About Selling Fruit Loops, July 5, 2000
- c370.htm Bringing Back the Draft Won't Fix the "Marginalization" Problem, July 3, 2000
- c369.htm Why Personnel Problems Reflect the Marginalization of Soldiers From Culture and Society, June 27, 2000
- c368.htm Emails from the Field on the Personnel Crisis, June 27, 2000
- c367.htm Tillson Report Calls for Reform of the Personnel System, June 26, 2000
- c366.htm The Military's Personnel Death Spiral, June 26, 2000
- c365.htm Why the Army's Emerging Personnel Policies Will Not Stem the Exodus of Captains, June 26, 2000
- c364.htm The Madness of Versailles II, June 20, 2000
- c363.htm Proliferation of Bronze Stars Raises Question of Martial Values in a 21st Century, June 8, 2000
- c361.htm THE MADNESS OF VERSAILLES & THE QDR [I] June 1, 2000
- c360.htm Challenges for QDR-II: More the Logicians' Lament (II) May 28, 2000
- c359.htm Rising Cost of Low Readiness A Senior Logisticians Lament Lays Out the Challenge for the New QDR, May 25, 2000
- c358.htm The All Mercenary Army - Unintended Consequences of Enlistment Bonuses, May 24, 2000
- c357.htm Kosovo SITREP III, May 23, 2000
- c356.htm KOSOVO SITREP (II) May 19, 2000
- c355.htm Kosovo SITREP A Rough Week for Battalion XX, May 18, 2000
- c354.htm Hooray for the Pentagon!!! May 16, 2000
- c353.htm Power Dependency in the Post Information Era and the Question of Why are Captains Leaving the Army? April 27, 2000
- c352.htm The Kosovo Question: Out of Altitude, Airspeed, and Ideas, April 11, 2000
- c351.htm Balkan Primer (XI)- Why the Conflict in Southern Serbia is Important, March 28, 2000
- c350.htm NTC Problems Suggest a Deeper Question: Ready for What? March 17, 2000
- c349.htm Culture & Deteriorating Performance at NTC - a Mud Soldier Sounds Off, March 17, 2000
- c348.htm Why Synchronization Dumbs Down Your OODA Loop, March 15, 2000
- c348 National Training Center: Forscom Commander's Conference PDF Briefing
- c347.htm Hill Staffer Charges Decisions in Washington Degraded Pilot Skills, February 28, 2000
- c346.htm Trust, Mistrust, and the Crisis in Leadership, February 5, 2000
- c345.htm Why are Junior Officers Leaving the Navy? The Question of Leadership (Again!!!!) January 31, 2000
- c344.htm Why are Captains Leaving the Army? A Question of Leadership, January 29, 2000
- c344 Why Captains are Leaving the Army? PDF Briefing
- c343.htm Was Task Force Hawk a Blessing in Disguise? January 27, 2000
- c342.htm Roots of Crisis in Army Aviation An Old Fart Aviator Sounds Off, January 26, 2000
- c341.htm Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Why the Super Hornet is a Super Failure (II) January 17, 2000
- c340.htm Kosovo Sitrep - Why There is No Light at the End of the Tunnel 12/30/1999
- c339.htm Balkan Primer (X) - Blood Feuds, Kanuns, and American Policy, December 26, 1999
- c338.htm The Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Reform
Why the Super Hornet is a Super Failure, December 16, 1999
- c337.htm The Specter Haunting the Perfumed Princes of Versailles on the Potomac (II) December 7, 1999
- c336.htm The Specter Haunting the Perfumed Princes of Versailles on the Potomac, December 7, 1999
- c335.htm Where are the Bodies in Kosovo? (IV) A Compendium of "Revisionist" Literature, November 26, 1999
- c334a.htm ERROR CORRECTION -- Where are the Bodies in Kosovo (III)? November 25, 1999
- c334.htm Where are the Bodies in Kosovo (III)? Genocide, Accountability, and the Rule of Law, November 24, 1999
- c333.htm The Question of Values (II) Why Awarding Medals is Like Cog Maintenance in a Fredrick Taylor Production Line, November 15, 1999
- c331.htm Virtual Decision Making in the Hall of Mirrors, November 10, 1999
- c330.htm Who is Minding the Store? November 8, 1999
- c329.htm Theory of Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone to Replace Value Theory of Stock Pricing on Wall Street, November 6, 1999
- c328.htm Flash - Plummeting Defense Stocks Poised to Accelerate Defense Death Spiral, November 4, 1999
- c327.htm Where are the Bodies in Kosovo? (II) October 19, 1999
- c326.htm Where are the Bodies in Kosovo? October 18, 1999
- c325.htm Coup in PakistanAn Expert's Initial Observations, October 15, 1999
- c324.htm Will an Across-the-Board Pay Raise Stop the Personnel Exodus? (III) October 3, 1999
- c323.htm Will an Across-the-Board Pay Raise Stop the Personnel Exodus? (II) October 1, 1999
- c322.htm Balkan Primer (IX) - Slobo, Boris, & Behgjet, September 25, 1999
- c321.htm Creeping Mobocracy in Versailles on the Potomac (I) September 24, 1999
- c320.htm Will an Across-the-Board Pay Raise Stop the Personnel Exodus? September 21, 1999
- c319.htm Kosovo Sitrep Why Winter is Bad News for the Wilsonian Wonks Preparing the Lessons They Want Us to Learn, September 15, 1999
- c318.htm KOSOVO: Learning the Lesson We Want to Learn? September 9, 1999
- c317.htm Asleep at the Switch in Versailles .. or ... Why Nonlinear Realities Overwhelm Linear Visions ... or ... Why did Slobo Cave? September 6, 1999
- c316.htm BALKAN PRIMER (VIII) - All You Didn't Want to Know About Serbian Politics, August 26, 1999
- c315.htm The Fallacy of Multi-Culturalism in a Bottom-Up Apartheid Culture, August 25, 1999
- c314.htm Drill Sergeants vs. Hollywood (VII) - A Master Sergeant at Ft Sill Sounds Off, August 23, 1999
- c313.htm Drill Sergeants vs. Hollywood (VI) -- More Professionalism or Patton's Mob, August 23, 1999
- c312.htm Drill Sergeants vs. Hollywood (V) -- Professionalism or Patton's Mob, August 21, 1999
- c311.htm Drill Sergeants vs. Hollywood (IV) - CAPT XXXXX & CMDR YYY Respond, August 21, 1999
- c310.htm Drill Sergeants vs. Hollywood (III) - Maj XXX Responds, August 20, 1999
- c309.htm Drill Sergeants vs. Hollywood (II) - a Staff Sergeant Responds, August 20, 1999
- c308.htm Drill Sergeants vs. Hollywood The Army Trips Out on Electronic Acid, August 19, 1999
- c307.htm Why did Slobo Cave? (VI) ... What If He Didn't? August 16, 1999
- c306.htm Good Guys vs. Bad Guys
Finding a Starting Point for Moral Crusading in the Balkans, August 10, 1999
- c305.htm Did the Russians Pull NATO's Fat Out of the Fire
the Question of Grand Strategy? August 6, 1999
- c304.htm Email from Bill in Kosovo, August 2, 1999
- c303.htm Fragging Soldierly Values (Why the Best and Brightest are Leaving the Military -- A Repost) August 1, 1999
- c302.htm Why Are the Best and Brightest Leaving the Military? July 31, 1999
- c301.htm Was NATO's War Against Yugoslavia Legal? July 28, 1999
- c300.htm Assault on Checks and Balances (II): Hooray for the HAC(D)!!! July 23, 1999
- c299.htm The Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Reform: F-22 a Case Study of How Business-as-Usual Shapes the Anatomy of Decline, July 20, 1999
- c298.htm The Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Reform: A Discourse on Inside the Beltway Magic, July 9, 1999
- c297.htm Why Did Slobo Cave? (IV) July 6, 1999
- c296.htm An Active Army Pilots View of Proficiency Training (Correction of Error - #289A) July 3, 1999
- c295.htm Why did Slobo Cave? (III) -- How fake guns and painting the roads fooled NATO: Yugoslav Army and Air Force Left Kosovo Almost Intact. June 29, 1999
- c294.htm Why Did Slobo Cave? (II) ... or ... Why America Needs an Independent Bomb Survey, June 28, 1999
- c293.htm Why did Slobo Cave? -- The Case for a G-8 Trojan Horse
Why America Needs an Unbiased Strategic Bomb Survey, June 26, 1999
- c292.htm A 'Walk-About' Through the Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Reform, June 25, 1999
- c291.htm Don't Mess With the OODA Loop, June 24, 1999
- c290.htm The Dark & Satanic Forces Proliferating Gobbledygook in Versailles on the Potomac, June 22, 1999
- c289a.htm Correction of Error #289, June 22, 1999
- c289.htm The Lose-Lose Dilemma: Why Task Force Hawk is a Paradigm for Fiascos Waiting to Happen, June 22, 1999
- c288.htm Task Force Hawk -- Lessons Learned in Albania, June 21, 1999
- c287.htm A World Without Russia? An Inquiry into the Implications of a Long Term Secular Decline, June 18, 1999
- c286.htm BALKAN PRIMER (VII) - The Perils of Decentralization in the Balkans Hornet's Nest, June 16, 1999
- c285.htm Two Majors Sound Off on Question of Patchwork Solutions that Do Not Address the Fundamental Problem, June 15, 1999
- c284.htm The Win-Win Power Game ... or ... Why Working the Troops Overtime is Good for St. Louis and the Nation, June 13, 1999
- c283.htm The Assault on Checks & Balances, June 7, 1999
- c282.htm Should We Rely on Adequate Patchwork Solutions If They Do Not Address the Fundamental Problem? June 7, 1999
- c281.htm 11 Reasons Why Army Officers Don't Want to be Warriors, June 3, 1999
- c280.htm Task Force Hawk -- Mud Soldier Laments Being Stuck in Albanian Muck, June 2, 1999
- c279.htm NATO's Time Squeeze, May 31, 1999
- c278.htm The Real Revolution in Military Affairs
Can NATO Cope with 4th Generation War? May 29, 1999
- c277.htm Is Russia About to Pull the Plug on Negotiations (II)?
Is Chernomyrdin's Ultimatum a Plea for Sanity? May 28, 1999
- c276.htm Is Russia About to Pull the Plug on Negotiations? May 27, 1999
- c275.htm Serbo-NATO War: Is It a Just and Necessary War ... or ... Should We Find an Honorable Exit? May 24, 1999
- c274.htm Drive By Shootings and Moral Influence, May 16, 1999
- c273.htm Toys vs. Boys Revisited - Pentagon Forgets to Put People in Armed Forces Day Poster for 4th Year in Row!!!!!! May 14, 1999
- c272.htm Email Uber Alles -- DoD Authorization Bill Reimburses Troops for Losses of Pre-Paid Travel Expenses, May 14, 1999
- c271.htm The Serbo-NATO War -- Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty? May 12, 1999
- c270.htm Should NATO Launch a Ground Offensive ... or ... How Tough do the Serbs Have To Be? May 10, 1999
- c269.htm Driving Bill and Madeline Bananas, April 28, 1999
- c268.htm Balkan Primer (VI) - Kosovo: Looking Backward into Looking Glass World All its Own, April 22, 1999
- c267.htm Balkan Primer (V) - Redrawing the Cells in a Hornets Nest ... or ... the Case for a Declaration on War, April 21, 1999
- c265.htm Options for Kosovo (IV) More on the Case Against Partition, April 20, 1999
- c264.htm Options for Kosovo (III) A Case Against Partition and the Question of a Religious War for a Greater Albania, April 20, 1999
- c263.htm Options for Kosovo (II) A Case for Partition, April 19, 1999
- c262.htm Balkan Primer (IV) - The KLA and the Tangled Web We Weave, April 18, 1999
- c261.htm Mistrust, Careerism, and the Loss of the Warrior Ethos
or Why One Lieutenant is Leaving the Navy, April 17, 1999
- c260.htm Options for Kosovo (I) A Case for Mediation, April 17, 1999
- c259.htm Trickle Down Defense - Why Gas Masks in Korea Should Not Be a Metaphor for the American Art of War, April 15, 1999
- c258.htm Balkan Primer III Kosovo Fallout: Ethnic Tensions Rising in Vojvodina, April 14, 1999
- c257.htm Comparative Air Power Inputs Kosovo vs. Iraq (1991) April 13, 1999
- c256.htm Judge Advocate Tells Troops to Foot the Bill for Losses of Pre-Paid Travel Expenses if they are Recalled from Leave Because of Kosovo Emergency, April 7, 1999
- c255.htm German Antiguerrilla Operations in the Balkans (1941-1944) April 6, 1999
- c254.htm Balkan Primer (II) - 1987 Yugoslavia Sitrep, April 6, 1999
- c253.htm BALKAN PRIMER (I) April 5, 1999
- c252.htm A Balkan Sun Tzu vs. the NATO Clausewitz: A Tentative Interpretation of the Serbo - NATO War, April 4, 1999
- c251.htm Versailles-on-the-Potomac Begins the Blame Game as Courtiers Position Themselves for Future Budget Battles in Congress, April 2, 1999
- c250.htm INTERVENTION IN KOSOVO: Can Airpower Pull America's Fat out of the Fire, April 1, 1999
- c249.htm Two Army NCOs Sound off About Retention in the Army, March 24, 1999
- c248.htm Ready for What?
Will Street Fighting be in Our Future? March 23, 1999
- c247.htm An Outsider Synthesizes a Structural Portrait of Decay ... and Wonders: What is Going On?, March 23, 1999
- c246.htm A Self-Portrait of the Army's Personnel Problems, March 23, 1999
- c245.htm Air Force Combat Command Paints a Grim Portrait, March 23, 1999
- c244.htm READY FOR WHAT? -- Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War vs. The Oracles in the Cave, March 5, 1999
- c243.htm Shortage of Protective Masks in Korea while Missile Defense Budget Zooms Upward, March 4, 1999
- c242.htm What Makes a Good Soldier Want to Join and Stay In the Military? Cosmetics & Self Interest
Leadership & Idealism, February 20, 1999
- c241.htm What Standards Make Good Soldiers? ... A Veteran of Task Force Smith & Vietnam Speaks, February 18, 1999
- c240.htm An NCO's Opinion of the Retention and Leadership, February 17, 1999
- c239.htm The Personnel Retention Crisis: What Standards Make Good Soldiers? ... and ... Should We Bring Back the Draft? February 17, 1999
- c238.htm Why the Rush to Throw Money at Retention & Recruiting Problems Will Not Fix the Personnel Crisis, February 17, 1999
- c236.htm F/A-18E/F Reveals the Exit Strategy From the Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Reform, February 11, 1999
- c235.htm The Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Reform: Why Endless Lawsuits are at the Center of Its Vortex, February 10, 1999
- c234.htm Be All You Can Be -- The Navy Steps Up to the Army's Challenge, February 8, 1999
- c233.htm Email Common Sense (II): TacAir Readiness, Suppressing Email from the Troops, and the Widening Wedge of Mistrust, February 6, 1999
- c232.htm Lobbyist's Recusal Freaks out the Pentagon (II)
Why Lewis Carroll Would Feel Right at Home in the Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Reform, February 3, 1999
- c231.htm Budget Stampede Raises Question: How Can Congress Know How to Add Money If Pentagon Can Not Tell It Where It Spends Money? February 1, 1999
- c230.htm Unites States & Azerbaijan -- A Foreign Service Officer Tells Us Why the New 'Great Game' Isn't, February 1, 1999
- c229.htm The United States and Azerbaijan: Why the New Great Game is a Loser, January 31, 1999
- c228.htm TOYS vs BOYS -- F/A-18E/F Freaks Out the Pentagon, January 27, 1999
- c227.htm TOYS vs. BOYS -- The Coming Conflict Between the Defense Contractors and the Troops, January 26, 1999
- c226.htm Why the Mafia Will Grow to Love Star Wars -- Nukes on the Loose (Parts III & IV) January 18, 1999
- c225.htm F/A18E/F Reveals 2 Rules for Real Decision Making Reform, January 14, 1999
- c224.htm Nucs on the Loose (Part II) January 13, 1999
- c223.htm F-22, F-18E/F, JSF, and V-22: A Trip Report to Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, and Bell-Textron by a Member of Congressional Staff, January 13, 1999
- c222.htm POOR MAN'S NUKE: the Nightmare Scenario Catches a Second Wind, January 11, 1999
- c221.htm EMAIL COMMON SENSE: Launch the Generals but Leash the Coondogs, January 11, 1999
- c220.htm Strategic Priorities & the Breakdown of Law and Order in Russia, January 7, 1999
- c219.htm Can Russia be Saved? January 3, 1999
- c218.htm How the Breakdown of Law and Order in Russia Increases the Danger Posed by the Poor Man's Nuc, January 3, 1999
- c217.htm INFO SOURCES: Military Data Bases on Force Structure and Weapons, December 20, 1998
- c216.htm Ready for What: The Sclerotic Mentality of Star Wars vs. the Poor Man's Nuke, December 6, 1998
- c215.htm Fortress America: Why America Lost Its Peace Dividend After the Cold War Ended, November 29, 1998
- c214.htm Leadership (VIII) 7 Irrelevant Reasons Why COHORT Failed
or Why the Army Hates Unit Cohesion, November 10, 1998
- c213.htm The Howling Wilderness of Acquisition Deform (I) ... or Why Illegal Contracts Speed Up & Simplify Decision Cycles, November 9, 1998
- c212.htm Leadership (VII) - A Marine's View of Officer Bloat and its Deleterious Effect on Unit Cohesion, November 6, 1998
- c211.htm Leadership (VI) - A British Officer Helps the Cretans to Understand Themselves, November 6, 1998
- c210.htm Leadership (V) - Unit Cohesion and Why Personnel Rotation Policies Hurt the Army's Readiness for Combat, November 5, 1998
- c209.htm Leadership (IV) - A Master Sergeant Sounds Off, November 4, 1998
- c208.htm Leadership (III) -- Is It Simply a Question of Restoring the Warrior Spirit or Are There Deeper Problems?
- c207.htm Leadership (II) -- Is It Simply a Question of Restoring the Warrior Spirit or Are There Deeper Problems? November 4, 1998
- c206.htm Is It Simply a Question of Restoring the Warrior Spirit or Are There Deeper Problems? November 2, 1998
- c205.htm Notes from the Sausage Factory: AF May Accelerate C-130J Procurement to Control F-22 Costs!!!! October 27, 1998
- c204.htm Notes from the Sausage Factory: C-130J -- Healthy or Rancid Pork? October 27, 1998
- c203.htm Toys vs. Boys (II) Crony Capitalism American Style, October 24, 1998
- c202.htm Toys vs. Boys (I): The Emerging Defense Policy Debate It's Either the Contractors or the Troops, October 23, 1998
- c201.htm KOSOVO & RUSSIA: The Balkanizing Question of Political Secession & the Arrogance of Ignorance, October 17, 1998
- c200.htm Readiness Trap Sprung--The Real Game Begins, October 10, 1998
- c198.htm Hollow Defense Debate
. Why Hope IS the Method, October 1, 1998
- c197.htm Readiness Trap Sprung - More Money Spent the Same Way is Not the Answer, September 30, 1998
- c196.htm AF Readiness - A Non-Rated Lieutenant's View of the Retention Problem, September 28, 1998
- c195.htm AF Readiness - Plummeting Pilot Retention Sets Stage for Crash-- A Cry From the Field, September 27, 1998
- c194.htm Ready for What?
Loose Nucs, Scud Missiles, and the Changing Nature of Conflict, September 26, 1998
- c193.htm License to Steal: Senate Subcommittee Zeros in on Financial Control Failures in Department of Defense, September 25, 1998
- c192.htm Hollow Defense Debate Heats Up as Congress Moves to "Save" Readiness by Adding Unneeded Weapons Systems, September 25, 1998
- c191.htm Readiness Trap Sprung: Battle of Encirclement Evolves into Budgetary Equivalent of the Ulm Maneuver as Administration Leaves the Field, September 23, 1998
- c190.htm Readiness Trap Sprung - Battle of Encirclement Looms as Budget Pincers Slice into Clinton Administration, September 22, 1998
- c189.htm Ready for What? September 16, 1998
- c187.htm Are We Better Today than 20 Years Ago? -- An Army Master Sergeant's Reality Check, September 15, 1998
- c186.htm The Hollow Defense Debate: Admiral Gehman's Readiness Perception Gap Re-Visited, September 14, 1998
- c185.htm Hollow Defense Debate Continues to Depart from Reality, September 12, 1998
- c184.htm More on the Phony Debate to Increase the Defense Budget, September 11, 1998
- c183.htm DoD's Death Spiral (II)
Why the End Game is Either Program Death or a Complete Overhaul, Not Higher Budgets, September 3, 1998
- c182.htm DoD's Death Spiral
or ... Why Did It Take Five Years for the Light to Click On? September 3, 1998
- c181.htm The Hollow Defense Debate (IV): A View of General Sullivan's Comments from a Retired Colonel's Perspective
- c180.htm Notes from the Sausage Factory: Readiness Critics Go Nuclear While Troops Suffer, September 2, 1998
- c178.htm Hollow Defense Debate - A View of General Sullivan's Comments from a Member of the Senate Staff, September 1, 1998
- c177.htm The Hollow Defense Debate An Army General Weighs In, September 1, 1998
- c176.htm NATO Expansion - Are Self-Referencing Mutations in the Political DNA Good for the Health? September 1, 1998
- c175.htm Why Emperors Lose their Clothes (II) August 31, 1998
- c174.htm Food for Thought: Fourth Generation Warfare & the Relation of Strategy to Grand Strategy (III) August 31, 1998
- c173.htm Why Emperors Lose their Clothes, August 30, 1998
- c172.htm Admiral Gehman Changes His Tune
or Why Emperors Lose their Clothes, August 28, 1998
- c171.htm Food for Thought: Fourth Generation Warfare & the Relation of Military Strategy to Grand Strategy (II) August 28, 1998
- c170.htm Fourth Generation Warfare & the Relation of Military Strategy to Grand Strategy, August 26, 1998
- c169.htm The Constitution, Situational Ethics & the Phony Debate Over More Defense Spending, August 25, 1998
- c168.htm Today's Contribution to the Hollow Defense Debate ... The Washington Post Weighs in Against Tax Cut to Protect Defense Budget, August 16, 1998
- c167.htm Notes From the Sausage Factory (III) - The Banality of Defense Spending, August 15, 1998
- c166.htm READINESS TRAP SPRUNG (III) - Crony Capitalists in Washington Funhouse Set Stage for Phony Debate Over Defense Spending, August 13, 1998
- c165.htm READINESS TRAP SPRUNG (II)? - Defense Intelligentsia Leads Stampede into Howling Wilderness of the Post-Information Era, August 10, 1998
- c164.htm How Effective Are Air Power & Precision Weapons in Urban Combat? (III) August 5, 1998
- c163.htm How Effective Are Air Power & Precision Weapons in Urban Combat? August 4, 1998
- c162.htm How Effective is Air Power in Urban Combat? August 4, 1998
- c160.htm Navy Pilot Retention, August 3, 1998
- c159.htm READINESS TRAP SPRUNG? - Senate Passes Amendment as Part of a Plan to Increase Defense Budget by $60 Billion over Next Three Years, August 1, 1998
- c158.htm Why are pilots leaving AF? July 29, 1998
- c157.htm Congressional Scam to Increase Defense Spending ... or ... Why "It's going to cost a lot to adjourn this year," the Hill Staffer said with a laugh. July 28, 1998
- c156.htm Why are pilots leaving AF? July 28, 1998
- c155.htm Why are pilots punching out of AF? July 28, 1998
- c113.htm Army -- Report of Senate Staff Member's Trip to the National Training Center and the Joint Readiness Training Center, December 11,1997

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