A Swift, Elusive Sword:
What if Sun Tzu and John Boyd
Did a National Defense Review

by Dr. Chester W. Richards
What would a truly "transformed" military look like? Nothing like the one we have today (that's sort of what "transformation" means.)
Published in May 2001 by the Center for Defense Information and translated into Russian. Used as a text by the National Defense University, the US Naval Academy, and the Norwegian Naval Staff Course.
Buy the complete Second Edition (2003) at Amazon.com and download a presentation (381 KB PDF file.)
Visit CDI's Military Reform Project, producer of A Swift, Elusive Sword.
Transformation Under Fire

A major new book by COL Douglas MacGregor, US Army (Ret.), author of Breaking the Phalanx. While the U.S. Army clings to force designs and concepts rooted in thinking framed by WWII, it urgently needs innovative methods of command, leadership, and combat organization. Even the United States can face disaster if its military organizations cannot operate effectively in the new strategic environment. Order from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
America's Army and the Revolution
in Human Affairs

by Major Donald E. Vandergriff, US Army
MAJ Vandergriff's follow-on to Spirit, Blood and Treasure. The nuts and bolts of what it will take to make the US Army a cohesive and responsive instrument of national policy. We can't stake our security on the gamble that all future enemies will be as incompetent as Saddam.
Commentary and reviews on the Defense and the National Interest website.
Order online from Amazon.
John Boyd and American Security

by Dr. Grant T. Hammond
Director, Center for Strategy & Technology,
US Air War College
NEW! Now available in paperback.
Reviews of The Mind of War by Colin Gray, Gary Hart, Newt Gingrich, Gen Anthony Zinni, and others.
Dr. Hammond's thorough and highly readable examination of Boyd's life, work, and influence was published by the Smithsonian Institution Press. Order online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
Secrets of Computer Espionage
Tactics and Countermeasures

by Joel McNamara
Published in June 2003 by Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Available at Amazon, B&N, or your neighborhood book store.
Phantom Soldier:
The Enemy's Answer to U.S. Firepower

by H. John Poole, William S. Lind (Foreword)
What it means to confront an enemy that really understands Sun Tzu. It could also be read as a manual for 4GW at the tactical level, where tunneling, as we're re-discovering in Afghanistan, is an Eastern art form. Good illustrations of how Boyd's "asymmetric fast transients" would appear in land combat.
For an even more tactical view, read Poole's latest, The Tiger's Way.
Available at Amazon, B&N, or your neighborhood book store.
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed
the Art of War

by Robert Coram
This biography of John R. Boyd was published by Little, Brown in November 2002. Please read the reviews. The paperback edition is now available.
Rep. Ike Skelton (D-MO), ranking Democratic member of the House Armed Services Committee, includes Boyd on his National Security Reading List.
Paperback now available at Amazon, B&N, or your neighborhood book store.
The American Cost of Battle
in the 21st Century

Edited by Major Donald E. Vandergriff, US Army
A short review, written by the webmaster of Defense and the National Interest
The introduction to Spirit, Blood, and Treasure. Why the events of 11 Sep 2001 show us the face of future war.
Available at your local book store, or order from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Borders.
Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming

by Dr. Jonathan Shay
with Foreword
by US Senators Max Cleland and John S. McCain
The second in Dr. Shay's series on how the erosion of trust destroys people and organizations. A worthy successor to Achilles in Vietnam, with lessons for any leader in any type of organization.
Order on-line from Amazon.

CERTAIN TO WIN: The Strategy of John Boyd, Applied to Business, by Chet Richards. Boyd's real OODA loop and ancient strategies working for business today. More... Advance Reviews;
Amazon and B&N

RAISING THE BAR, by Donald Vandergriff (U.S. Army, ret.) Published by the Center for Defense Information Press. Read the DNI review. Order from Amazon.

SCIENCE, STRATEGY AND WAR, by Col Frans Osinga, RNAF. Read the DNI Review. Order from Amazon or B&N. New! Now in paperback directly from Routledge, $35.95.

NEITHER SHALL THE SWORD, by Chet Richards. If you thought A Swift, Elusive Sword was too tame. Read the Introduction and view the Briefing. Podcast review. Available now on Amazon

BOYD: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War by Robert Coram
Amazon & B&N.

BLUEPRINT FOR ACTION : A Future Worth Creating, by Thomas P. M. Barnett. Read the DNI review. Buy at Amazon and B&N

NOT A GOOD DAY TO DIE: The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda, by Sean Naylor. Read the DNI Review; Amazon and B&N

THE WASTRELS OF DEFENSE: How Congress Sabotages U. S. Security by Winslow Wheeler. You'll be disgusted, then just mad.
Read Comment #527.
Amazon and B&N

THE AFGHAN CAMPAIGN, by Steven Pressfield. Read the DNI Review. Amazon and B&N.

The Virtues of War by Steven Pressfield
Read the DNI Review.
Amazon and B&N. Now in trade paperback.

The Sling and The Stone by Col T. X. Hammes, USMC
Amazon and B&N