2007 Boyd Conference
The Alfred M. Gray Research Center
Marine Corps Base
Quantico, Virginia
July 13, 2007
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20 July 2007
A heartfelt "Thank you!" to our sponsors:
The Marine Corps Association, who sponsored us for the Gray Center and provided the coffee and other refreshments (which were pretty damn good!) Friday morning. Even if you're not a Marine, you may still be eligible for membership, and if not, you can still subscribe to Leatherneck and the Marine Corps Gazette. Check it out on their site.
U. S. Cavalry, who sponsored our after-hours session Friday evening at the Quantico club.
U. S. Cavalry offers a wide variety of items for military and law enforcement personnel as well as for outdoor enthusiasts in general. Also, visit their homeland security information and discussion site, U. S. Cavalry On Point.
[Please check back - we'll be posting the other presentations as we receive them from the authors]
A discourse on winning and losing: Introducing core ideas & themes of Boyd’s ‘Theory of intellectual evolution and growth,’ Col Frans Osinga, Ph.D., Royal Netherlands Air Force (771 KB PPT)
Using the OODA "loop" to win - every time, Col Chet Richards, USAF, Ret. (1 MB PPT - play as slide show)
4GW as a model of future conflict, Frank Hoffman (post on Small Wars Journal) The Devil's own advocate on "why academics and historians have problems with the 4GW concept." Transcript of the panel presentation.
Growing adaptive leaders, MAJ Don Vandergriff, USA, Ret. (471 KB PPT)
Officer training at the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy, LtCdr Tommy Krabberød and Lt Cdr Geir Ove Venemyr, Royal Norwegian Navy (1.3 MB PPT)
--You can sail on the Norwegian training bark Statsraad Lehmkuhl
--Homepage of the Royal Norwegian Naval Academy
More than 200 people attended the 2007 conference, the sixth since Boyd's death in 1997. Distinguished guests included Generals Gray, Zinni, and van Riper, USMC, Ret. We also had visitors from three NATO countries, several of whom made presentations.
Don Vandergriff and Chet Richards have written a summary of the conference.
2008 Conference
Our apologies to all those who wanted to attend but were unable to get reservations. For 2008, we are looking for a larger venue, and we'll need one or more sponsors. If your organization might be interested in hosting or sponsoring the 2008 Conference, please .
We are planning a 2-day conference, with expanded sessions on Boyd's strategy, the changing nature of armed conflict, and preparing for fourth generation warfare (whatever you want to call it). The working theme for the conference is "Trust: What it does, how to create it, and how to destroy it in the opponent and, unfortunately, in ourselves."
Blogs about the conference [please send any links]
Zenpundit I
Zenpundit II
John Robb
Rob Patterson
Shlok Vaidya
Dreaming 5GW
-- Building the Military-Industrial-Syadmin-Complex
-- William Lind on 5GW
-- The Generations of War in the Context of Realms and Kinetics
Tordenskjold Sails Again, by William S. Lind [On War#226]
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